Archive for October 5th, 2010


Traveling Sofa-Induced Dreams

On a red couch, in a neighborhood near a Boston airport, the sunlight began to creep into the room. It was early, and I should’ve been asleep. We were all exhausted, and I’m pretty sure none of us had slept. But somewhere between delirium and sleep there was that vibration. I was happy. Just one class and a day into the theatre teching, and I was rejuvenated. Heck, the tour was already a success in my mind. 

The students were amazing. They were so sweet and hard-working. Both classes were incredibly attentive. It was also a treat to see some of the Yow Dancers in a class setting. They were equally as phenomenal as students as they are performers, and I felt like a proud father/director. 

Tech is always more rewarding for me in these settings. Typically I cannot get too much time on the stage to prep for a show. We had six hours available to light and block the show. We didn’t use it. However, the great crew had adequate prep time for the dancers, and we had all we needed to make the show look absolutely stunning. It was a choreographer’s dream. A day in the theater with my favorite artists: the composers whose music I’d chosen to make dances, the crew, our lighting designer and the dancers. At one point my dear friend and company lighting designer said, “Are you OK? You are talking in that very calm voice.” She was referring to a “voice” I go into when times get stressful in the theater. I looked at her and said, “I am great. I’m having a great time and enjoying every bit of this.” I was in heaven. 

The dancers frolicked, bonded, grew together and learned about one another. I wished we could’ve afforded to have all the dancers there. I got to talk to immensely intelligent choreographers and teachers about dance, craft and the fun game of how small the dance world can be. One of the other collaborating artists even knew Jason Ohlberg, our guest choreographer and my first love. The dancers were fantastic. They always seem to grow more and shine brighter every time I get to watch them perform for an audience. My heart beats so hard out of my chest it feels like time slows down. To top it off, I was reuniting with a dear friend who offered to house me. I was ready to go back to Orlando and conquer.

So was the tour worth it? It has not only respawned my creative juices, but it has made me realize how well this company is doing. I really saw where we are in our path and appreciate it, how fast we are progressing and, just how kick ass our upcoming show is going to be! The dancers have been rehearsing with sweat, splits, rips and bruises since July for this one weekend. It truly is a treat of a concert. It has immaculate moments of dancing that will have your mouth open. Hop on board and enjoy the ride because Yow Dance is ready to make its mark.

All of me,

Eric Yow

October 2010